Next year I turn 50 and more than ever I’ve noticed the term “Middle Age” being used for women at my stage of life. Society uses this word to define women between 45 and 65 who are no longer in their youth yet haven’t reached old age.

Quite frankly, just saying the word makes me raise an eyebrow. After all, I’m 4 solid years into this thing called “Middle Age” and most days I don’t feel it and I certainly don’t believe I look it.

In reality – when we remove stigma, archaic beliefs and societal norms  – this stage of a woman’s life can be one of the most profound, sensual, adventurous and delicious times of our lives!

And as I am now a single, empty-nester, living the 2nd half of my best life traveling the globe to document Wellness Around The World, I wanted to create a space to showcase and share the chic, sexy, youthful, vital, adventurous side of women my age with stories, and thoughts and adventures and resources.

“Middle Age’ no longer defines us with it misconceptions and limited thinking about how we’re ‘supposed’ to live and be no matter how much change we may experience in our body, our mind and our lives.

No, This is NO LONGER middle age.

This time of our lives, my friends, is MidAge Living.

MidAge is for women like me, like you, who are ready to rediscover themselves. Who embrace this time of change with grace and beauty.

MidAge Living is for me. It is for you. It’s for US.

MidAge Living is for now.


      1. Tammy

        Hi Naja. Not sure if it’s the settings on my phone but the print is very faint, so a little difficult to read. Appreciate the post…..Im 50+ so yes,…..am at the “whats my next step” Midage mark.

      2. Tisha

        Love the “MidAge” rebrand. I’m feeling the exact same way at 49 trying to figure out just how I want my next half of life to look. So inspired by your fearless travels and all that you share. Definitely taking notes. 😉 Continued success and happiness serving through your gifts and talents. #blessedliving

        1. najasway

          This is all of our journey. Sometimes we have to remember what we already know… (and for me that happened after my son was fully raised and out living his own best life. #InTime) Thank you for all the love and support! Right back at you 🙂

    1. Tammy

      Couldn’t agree more! Kudos to you. Getting fit is the best gift we can give ourselves. I’m the same age as you are but am still working on the “getting fit” phase.

  1. Archana

    Totally echo my thoughts! In fact, I think as our worldly responsibilities reduce, we are free to and can explore various activities, hobbies without guilt! Stopping by via the AtoZ masterlist. Have a good day!

    1. najasway

      Thanks for stopping by and I totally agree on that. My travels and current life is post raising a young man to go out into the world. And now, it’s my time 🙂

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