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What do you DO All Day?!

Lately, I’ve been getting “What do you DO all day?” messages from friends curious about my daily activities.

It’s erroneous to think that if you travel abroad for a full year, you treat that year like one big summer European Vacation, filling your time up with visits to Castles and treks around big mountains. And while that MAY be true for some, I couldn’t imagine doing either for more than an afternoon! (Truth: I get bored at most Castles. Once you’ve seen one, well 🤷🏽‍♀️).

So yesterday I shared a day in the life of ‘Naja Traveling Around The World’ in my community and it seemed to highlight another truth that many commented on… My days are FULL! (one friend said, I don’t see NAP scheduled in! Lol… I DO lovvvvvve a good nap!)

Traveling abroad for a full year doesn’t mean that year is all play!

I have the benefit of being able to run both my consulting business and my tea business remotely and, gratefully, I have a team that works with me so I don’t have to work 9-5.

And although I LOVE to relax, doing that day after day wouldn’t fulfill me.

So I’m filling my non-working time with learning new things (I start studying Spanish TODAY!!), and cooking (Taking Peruvian cooking classes this month), and wellness experiences (This IS Wellness Around The World afterall 😉), and working on my certification as an Herbalist, and taking classes to become a better writer.

And in a way all of this DOES feel like play to me!

My mission is, by the end of my year-long travel adventure, to become reacquainted with hobbies that bring me joy and make me more fluent in areas that help me become an even more well versed human being. (one BIG goal is to be better than conversational in Spanish by the end of the journey!).

This is what I hope for us all… That our wellness doesn’t only focus on the physical parts of being healthy, but on the areas that fuel our passions and bring us JOY! (But I believe it does have to START with getting physically and emotionally healthy for your passion to be (re) discovered!)

And now my Spanish lessons commence in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1…

To living JOY FULL y!💋 Naja

Ps… Want to get all the behind-the-scenes of my travels while supporting communities across the globe? I’d love you to become a Patron, a part of a growing community of my ‘Travel Voyeurs’

Pss. I do something called Maderotherapy. I first learned about it in Croatia and have made it a regular part of my wellness practice, now having done it in 5 countries. And BY FAR, Teresa from Sumaq Spa is the BEST!

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