Billionaires Cove - Antibes, France

Oh my lourdes! (Part 1)

It is 7:04am and still pitch black outside as I stare out of the window hoping, to no avail, to get a last glimpse of the splendor that is the French Riviera.

And so I’m left to entertain myself with my ever-wondering thoughts as the sun slowly rises and the thick French accent of our conductor bellows over the microphone announcing each new train stop. At this very moment I’m grateful for this hat and coat that kept me warm and dry during the unexpected downpour of rain during my 16 minute walk to the train station! They will be reminders of my 3 sweet days in Antibes.

I’m also grateful for aha moments – like the one I had last night – that guide us to where we need to be.In the warmth of my cozy bed, as I planned my journey further south down the Côte d’Azur, I was preparing to perform a catchy rendition 🎶 “Do you know The Way To ST. TROPEZ 🎶 in homage of this popular hangout of international jet setters in the 60’s.

But at the 11th hour before a decision of my travels needed to be made, a glowing light came before me (OK, it was my night lamp awakening me with its dying bulb’s flicker 🤷🏽‍♀️ ) and told me to check out exploring the Pyrenees… Specifically, the French watering resort called Lourdes, France, famous for miracle cures where in 1858 the Virgin Mary (reportedly) appeared 18 times in a grotto to young peasant girl named Bernadette.

This town made famous by millions of visitors each year who pilgrimage here in hopes of their own healing, will be a part of my own pilgrimage…

And is I venture on to the wet, cold winter of the holy town of Lourdes, where their season has ended and the entire town has shut down, I’ll drink at the source of peace, faith and healing.

And I will go into this experience with the belief that miracles DO exist, leaving behind prayers for my loved ones and for you.

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