Tea in Marrakech


Just nine days ago, 5 of my fellow world traveling friends and I left our November home-base of Valencia, Spain πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ for a short side trip to Marrakesh, Morocco πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦ .

Despite our learning just 24 hours prior that the world was, yet again, being compromised by the news of a global virus (Omicron), we ventured onward with the plan to return to Valencia in time for our December 4th departure to our next country, Cape Town South Africa 🌍.

That decision found us in Morocco πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦ longer than expected when Marrakesh did, in fact, shut down their entire airport and our flight was cancelled.

This news made some of us excited and others nervous.

But collectively we pulled up our Big Girl (and guy) Travel Panties and made our way 3 hours north in Casablanca, Morocco πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦ – via our Angelic private driver – having found and booked one of the only flights left to get us out of the country and onward to an unexpected detour… PARIS!

The same evening that we got this news that our flight back to Valencia was canceled, we also learned that the program that plans all of our monthly travel logistics also cancelled our month in South Africa!

Though a responsible decision on their part, it proved to be a chaotic shift for us all… The reason you choose to join a program like this is generally for two reasons:

1. To experience this kind of world travel with other like-minds and

2. To delegate the job of logistics planning to someone else.

Wellllll… My 5 travel buddies along with the other 16 ‘Remotes’ were now in a high class predicament…


After a couple of days of fretting over the bigness of this quandary, we all made choices that fit our personal needs: Some chose to stay in Valencia for the month. Two others chose to experience Istanbul, Turkey. One friend went back home to the US. A select group decided to continue with the original plans of going South Africa after all.

And me? Moi?

I decided on a 2 week sebatocal at a ‘Bikini Bootcamp’ in Tulum, Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ where I would reset this travel-impacted body of mine with 2 daily workouts, healthy daily meals prepared just so (read: no croissants, chocolates, cheese and meat!!) and a much more regimented daily workout routine than I’ve had over these last 3 months (or shall I say, 2 years!).

But alas… As seemed to be the norm over the last 9 days…

‘We Plan. God laughs.’

And so this well intentioned recharge to Tulum fell through and I found myself feeling alone and needing my kiddo and Grandma to lean on…

After a few good cries alone in my room and many hours on Google Maps… A new plan was made… And starting at 6am that morning, I began making my way across France, where I spent time in a place I visited almost 30 years to the day… JUAN-LES-PINS in the FRENCH RIVIERA.

A place I traveled to very much as in this moment – On a whim during a 3 month backpacking tour through Europe as a spry, courageous and naive 19 year old.

I explored the Riviera (Nice, Cannes) and then headed further south to San SebastiΓ‘n and Bilboa before venturing further down Spain, making my way BACK to Valencia by the end of the month where the majority of my luggage remained…

No rules.

No real plan.

Staying fluid to the possibilities.

One week, one experience at a time…

So, please stay tuned. And please, as always, keep me and my traveling friends in your thoughts and prayers!

Love and gratitude, today and always…



PS. Please click this link to get my free download, ‘I Make Room In My Life For New Experiences’ as a small gift from me… May it help you to open yourself up to what is possible!

And if you’re so inclined, become a Patron to continue to support the communities that I visit… Your monthly subscription will go toward activities that support local people.https://www.patreon.com/join/NajaTea?

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