Cliffs of Moher

Ireland’s cliffs of… california?

I’m on a local bus driving 2.5 hours from Dublin, Ireland to Galway to stay at a farm guesthouse before visiting the Cliffs of Moher (pronounced Mō her). The only reason I embarked on this 4 day transition trip from Lisbon, Portugal before Valencia, Spain was because for years during Favorite Son and my annual trips driving north from our Southern California home for the holidays, I’d tell him that California’s Central Coast reminded me of Ireland.

And yet I’d never even visited Ireland!

So now… I get to validate or debunk my own myth!

What’s your bet? Are they more alike or nah?


Ps. This drive has been lusciously green and serene.

If California’s Central Coast is the ‘Girl Next Door’, The West Clare Coast Cliffs of Moher are the sexy, svelt, Amazonian model that walked into the party and demanded your attention without saying a word.

No description.

No photograph.

No words…

Nothing can capture the abrupt magesty, the magical presence and the sheer magnificence of the Cliffs of Moher.

If California’s Central Coast is the ‘Girl Next Door’, The West Clare Coast Cliffs of Moher are the sexy, svelt, Amazonian model that walked into the party and demanded your attention without saying a word.

The editorials only pique your interest…

They beckon you to want more…

However, to truly understand why they are a UNESCO Global Geopark, The Cliffs require your presence. Up close, personal and present.

No… the tight, windy roads, rolling hills, vast, emerald green land, healthy glowing cows and sheep, and retainer walls built for generations by skilled hands brick by brick do not remind me of my Beloved California Central Coast.

But they have left me awestruck. Stirring my senses and filling my soul.

I am grateful to have this experience to bring back home and share.

And, the next time I’m back home driving the 13 hours along Highway 101, I’ll smile, truly knowing that the place I call HOME is also…

Like no other.

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