For the Love of Travel!

Can I tell you a secret?

  • I don’t love to travel.
  • Packing.
  • Long plane lines.
  • Disorganized Hotel/ AirBnB check-ins.
  • Not having my closet to pull new clothes from.
  • Not fully knowing a language.

But what I do love is what travel offers me.

New friends. Unique experiences. A shift in my perspective. International cuisine. Opportunities to learn new languages.


Moments like THIS…

Sitting on a bench in a #MiraDouro drinking box wine with my roomie listening to classical guitar while overlooking the tiled homes of Lisbon.

I believe travel opens us up to BECOMING when we are exploring Self and it opens us up to Self when we’ve already become who we are.

These are the things that make all of the challenges of travel well worth it.

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