A Sweet Window Treat


992 miles.

20 driving hours.

5 days.

4 friends.

3 countries.

1 hospital visit.

And an endless amount of laughs, good times, life lessons, and delightfully unexpected moments.

This planet of ours is hardly lacking in magical places or memorable people. If we’re open to stepping out of our areas of comfort and embracing change without grand expectations, grand things actually start to happen. #AskForMiraclesEveryDay

You meet people who shift your perspective. You see places that make you dream differently. You experience foods and cultures and languages and beliefs and traditions and…we can find delight in the smallest of things.

Conversely some can also create dread out of the grandest of lives! Even in the challenges life brings there can be beauty when you look for it. #IChooseDelight

Joy, pleasure, miracles… This ENTIRE month has been filled with all three!

And tomorrow, as I depart this spectacular country called Croatia that has reminded me of what I crave most…I journey on for MONTH TWO in…

Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹!!

And to this I say… Yes, YES and MORE PLEASE!

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